Thursday, November 1, 2012

Blog time again… it’s only been about a month.

Oddly enough big changes have been happening.

  •       Bought that sewing machine I’ve been talking about for years
  •       Started my class (and almost done with. Sad face.)
  •       Continued bellydance classes (twice a week – if I remember to go)
  •       Got my Adobe programs back
  •       Got on instragram had started posting pictures and have since stopped.
  •       Apartment is settled in although we may be rearranging soon since I use my desk for 3 separate things (filing ‘cabinet’, computer station, sewing table, and drawing board).  And it’s way too crowded for each. W’s ‘desk’ is a second coffee table which serves as a holding ground for all his crap.  I’m no innocent but we need more shelving.  Perhaps this next paycheck!

·         W’s going to come to Thanksgiving and meet the whole family this year…
·         Times are kinda tough.  I’m going to complain but I probably shouldn’t.

So let’s say life got a little bit busy.  Ever have insightful thought process while peeing?

Today’s (not a  daily occurrence) but I was thinking about wealth disparity and how much money would keep me ‘happy.’  I’d decided that earning enough to save as much as I make should cover it.  Since I earn about 1700 (take away and give or take) then roughly 3400 a month would be great.  My savings account would be ridiculous. I could afford anything I need.  My life would be completely different.  How to make that much is going to be difficult. 

Then the thoughts started going towards how to make that and if I stayed where I am now then how to I moonlight to bring in extra income?  I could eventually make clothes, perhaps grow food – when there’s legitimate property involved, sell my design skills, perhaps sell some prints. Who knows.  Perhaps it’s time to open an etsy shop.  Could SquishD actually become a reality?

I’m going to need a lot of caffeine.  And a separate bank account.  From the advice I’ve been giving separating business money and personal with different accounts is the easiest and best way to go.  The tricky part comes in with taxes and things.  I apparently owe $$ every year due to investments that are managed on my behalf, so since this would begin as a Sch C that would be a new form to fill out.  But at what point do you begin to have to claim your outside income as a business?

Should talk to one of the guys I work with about this again.  I of course have plenty of time to think about and do or never get around to doing any of this.  I should start with etsy and photo prints. Shit maybe someone will like some of them.  I’ve only got thousands of prints – not all of them great but definitely some kick ass ones.