Sunday, January 6, 2013

Week 1 of "Project 2013"


This is my week update of my resolutions.

  •       I’m going strong on my ‘vegetarianism.’ 
  •       While my vegetarianism is going strong I have yet to go to the gym
  •       I’m obviously working on my blogging.  Much work still needs to be done  - like planning and executing vs. random thoughts.
  •       The garden hasn’t started but the plan is forming
  •       I have not started another sewing project yet – but I do need something to cover my eyes when sleeping
  •       I have a feeling I won’t make my $200 savings goal for January.
  •       As for hobbies, they are constantly on my mind but I have been catching up on normalcy since the holidays.

I would say that for my first week of resolutions I am doing poorly.  Mostly because the first few weeks are when you are supposed to have the most motivation.  I feel like I have a lot of time.

As some one who needs to have a plan B, watching Doomsday Preppers is a horrible idea.  There’s a large part of me that wants to make sure I have a plan for the end of the world…and then there’s common sense.  Is the world going to end?  No. Of course not, but I like to believe that I am in a location that would support the demise of civilization.  Unfortunately, there are more important things to focus on while society exists.  Like providing myself with food/shelter/clothing.   All important things and to be perfectly honest I have a lot to learn in terms of everything survival if I want to have a chance in hell out in the woods.

For example.  With my luck I will have two black thumbs attached to eight black fingers in the garden.  I think I will be okay but we shall see how that goes.  That reminds me!  W and I will find out if I kill plants the way I killed fish (not intentionally!).  I’m going to need to learn about soil, weather patterns, what grows where and how each plants reacts to other plants.  I honestly see gardening as a skill that will come in handy in my lifetime.  Will I have the time to really pursue a garden?  I don’t know but I think it would be amazing!

Well I am now officially off topic again. 

For next time: “Do you have tickets to the ‘gun’ show?”

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Obligatory 2013 Resolutions!

Seeing as how I currently have no readers... this can essentially be anything I want. I can say and do whatever I want.

We'll start with the obligatory resolutions.  It is 1/1/2013 after all.  I have a few resolutions (many are the same or similar as last year).  What's going to make 2013 so much better?  Financially I am much more stable going into the new year, I am no longer in the midst of depression/anger/frustration, and it feels like I have nowhere to go but up.

My list of resolutions, which I am about to list is going to seem fairly average but hopefully will have a large impact on my life.  I have also written this list 2-3 times already (one of those times probably being last year).


  1. Goal weight of 150 or less (about 180-190 now)
  2. Consistent blogging (low on the priority list - oddly enough)
  3. Sewing projects - complete at least one per month
  4. Save an average of $200 a month
  5. Hobbies will play a bigger role in my off time
  6. Traveling - visiting friends
  7. Keep in touch with everyone at least once a month.
  8. Garden!

Normally I would start dissecting my goals and start mapping them out with the weight thing.  It's the one that confronts me everyday and I can't escape it but the other one's are easier (?)

Keeping in touch with People.  Not hard for most people but I'm naturally bad at it and have only gotten worse over the past few years.  All I need to do is set it on my calendar, like we do at work with our clients, to remind myself that it's been a month and I should call/write/visit.

Traveling.  One of my friend's is getting her doctorate this summer - I think that's a good reason to go to Chicago mid June.  I haven't visited anyone else though either and quite frankly that's a bunch of crap and should be changed.

Hobbies.  Photography - digital art - sewing - poi (once I start) - bellydance.  These are all things I really like to do and do I do any of them really?  No, why?  Because I am fucking lazy and that's all.  I need to do these things I actually enjoy instead of getting sucked into shows like Queer Eye (thoroughly addicted by the way - DAMN you netflix).

Save an average of $200 a month.  Tricky one.  I just got a bunch of new clothes during xmas for work which helps a ton!  But I do want to move into a more adult lifestyle and wardrobe which means I need to spend more $$ on quality.  Good news is I just got a raise that gives me an average of $200 more than before.  If I keep to my prior budget this can happen (travel plans really don't help though).

Sewing projects.  I want to make my own clothes and I want them to look good so it is a skill I need to work on and perfect.  One of my first projects should be a pin cushion!  Self explanatory goal and honestly shouldn't be too hard to be successful.

Consistent blogging.  Mostly as a means to track projects and promote the paranoia of doomsday prepping (more on that in the weight goal explanation).  Sort of kidding but more I just want to show off the the things I make and if there's interest perhaps I can sell a few things here and there.  Who knows.

You ready for doomsday weight loss?!?!  It's 2013 and I can't run a mile to save my life.  This has gotten sad.  Hmmm, where to start?  Eating habits or Doomsday Exercise regime?  This one is tricky because I think of all of these things as separate and combined.  I guess I will begin with food.  

First of all, I watch way too many documentaries.  Secondly, I think a lot of them are right in there own way.  I'm not sold on being a vegetarian or a vegan but a large part of me doesn't want to eat commercial meat any longer.  It's cruel and inhumane for the animals and quite frankly I don't trust everything that goes into the meat in the end.  Yes, in an ideal world we would only take what we need and animals wouldn't needlessly suffer for our greed.  One of my food resolutions is being vegetarian unless I or someone I know has killed it.  This allows for the elk in our freezer!  W's Dad or uncles went hunting and got an elk or two between them.  I want to learn how to hunt...and in the end, if you can hunt.  If you have the skills to take down an animal and can't bring yourself to physically kill the animal you do not deserve to eat meat.  I've been bad on this one already.  I had a sausage burrito for breakfast, a turkey wrap for lunch, and a chicken garlic pizza for dinner.  I'm declaring my resolutions it doesn't count?

Okay so I'm easing into that one since I'm really going to miss meat.  But tomorrow I begin.  Time to go to the shooting range!  P.s. eggs and dairy are not being given up but will reduce consumption to best quality I can find (budget should limit this one)

So that's the biggest change for the eating habits for 2013.  We'll see how many beans I can eat before I burst.  The other part which will have a weight loss as a very welcome side affect.  Doomsday preparedness.  W and I wound up watching the Doomsday Preppers marathon on the National Geographic Channel.  While I don't agree with most of their way of thinking (meaning I don't think the world is going to end or society will collapse) but I do believe in self-reliance.  So much of what they focused on was stockpiling and security.  One 'out there' guy was all about nature skills and woods training.  I agree with his focus but not his all consuming obsession.  Only one person they showed was all about being in physical shape to get out of the city and survive.  She didn't last long in Central Park...  W's in love with the idea of having a bunker style home with stockpiles for days.  This is a topic for another day but in the meantime...

For training I will need to begin with cardio and losing excess weight.  Eventually I will need to be able to run distances through woods/nature (a good skill to learn), learn archery, and fighting skills.  Those are the main 'specific' goals.  Starting small is key though.  I just need to start getting active and running.  Then escalate to fighting abilities.  I should throw in some climbing as well (work on the fear of heights thing).

So those are my goals of 2013.  It's going to be an interesting year, especially if I actually follow through on anything in here.

Can't believe I almost forgot the garden!  I want to start small with a pallet garden this year and assuming I've got the chops I will graduate to larger.  Will help once doomsday comes...depending on the dooms.

So, if any one does read this post, Thank you.

I hope your 2013 is a new beginning and a year filled with hope and happiness.
