Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Sphinx came back!  Which is awesome until she meows literally ALL night.  Now I get to actually take pictures of her.  I'm gonna do it this time around.  The circumstances around her departure are well confusing/a void of knowledge.

The day she left she was their when the boy and I left for work and then when we got back she was gone.  The room mates on the other hand have been unemployed since then and well to be perfectly honest don't pay enough attention to pretty much anything around the house so they have no clue.  Or is there something more sinister involved?  Probably not.  But I don't even know what to do if the cats start peeing on things again.

Our house was just beginning to not reek anymore.  It took probably a box of baking soda to get it back to that point.  Oy.  Sphinx is a commitment, now that she's had all of her shots and been fixed it's not so bad but I'm sure she has fleas again (her medication lapsed while she was out). Which means there's a good chance we'll need to get her dewormed again.  Ick.  Perhaps we'll try the pill with her this time. Or just take her in for the shot.

The peeing though. oy the peeing. I suppose I should admit that doing double duty on the chores again sounds less than appealing.  But the boy loves her and he was soo happy when he came back with her.

We are totally our cats.  I am Squish.  Quiet, reserved, runs away from loud noises and fairly socially awkward, but I do work my way into your heart.  My boy and Sphinx on the other hand.  In your face adorable, snuggle whores, but sometimes they just don't get it.  Like Sphinx and the litter box for a while.

Man oh man I hope getting fixed helps/solves the territorial problem (peeing).  The problem is I assume that both of them were marking.  I don't think Squish is totally innocent in this, although I do know that I never had a problem with her (that I didn't deserve) until another cat was in the picture.

Speaking of pictures!

I finally have a picture up...yay!  Okay so it's a bit blurry I didn't clean up the area and I only used my phone.  I'm such a bad photog.  Oddly enough I am actually pretty good with my camera... ya know when I use it.  Anyways these are the planter boxes we made.  I think they're awesome.  If reality was the inside of my head I would have thinner edged concrete planters.  But my imagination isn't exactly practical - or on a budget.

It would be pretty awesome if the boy and I went into business together.  That includes a damn near impossible  prefect storm of fortunate events.  A girl can dream though right?  Me the brains and my man the brawns.  Granted without money coming in somehow I'm kind of a bitch.  I don't like to stress about money.  Because of this I like 9-5.  Although I should really get off my butt and start going after those dreams I mentioned earlier.

Too bad 9-5 takes up so much time during the day...  it'd be soo much easier to follow your dreams on the side if it didn't.

Back to the daily grind.  More bitching/ranting mixed in with some optimism later.

Ciao Bellas.

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