Monday, June 18, 2012

Ya for blogging! and for Black Raspberries. They are in fact delicious.

Is it bad form to take you lunch break an hour before you are scheduled to leave?  Personally if I could always make it until 3:30-4 pm before being starving I would probably do it everyday.  I'm one of those people who would rather take a late lunch (when you get back you're that much closer to the end of the day).  This is a fairly extreme example but still stands true....

...My yogurt "parfait" or concoction if you will is more like a cold fruity soup than it normally is.  It kind of weirds me out actually.

Oh yah!  This weekend I had such an 'that figures...' moment it was sad.  Since W and I moved in to our apartment there has been rampant mint growing outside the door.  I finally got around to pulling the damn stuff up but I'm too poor to buy pots to claim the space for my garden.  (I hope you see where this is going.) Yup!  I woke up Saturday morning to a giant BBQ in all of the space I had just cleaned out.  I hate people sometimes.  I think it belongs to the person who just moved in with (I'm assuming) the crazy lady neighbor we don't like.  All assumptions here.  Bad, I know.  But still I do the work, didn't even think I needed to claim space and I apparently lost it.

Oh well.  I'll work around it but if they don't pull it out when they use it (literally next to our window) then I will tell on them.  So bummed, mad, and some other description.  Totally ruined my morning.  My garden space is now taken over by a fat-assed BBQ.  I hope it rusts now that it's living outside.

Sorry, I'm still just bitter.I suppose that's how life goes though.  Claim that shit!

On another note. Disc golf. Fun but I doubt I will be as into it as W.  He's been trying to get me to go out and throw for months now.  I've never really had anything against it, I just like to have girl time/alone time.  I miss alone time.  W and I leave the house at the same time and we get home around the same time.  When we get home I start cooking - a preference I should ease up on (since then I do most of the cooking and I've always washed just about all of the dishes).  I'm just trying to avoid processed foods as much as possible.  All of his food/what he prepares is all boxed, canned, frozen or microwavable.  Admittedly, we don't have a microwave.  No where to put it - works for me!  Sometimes it would be nice though.

Less convenience!  Life should be harder.  Not a lot harder but mankind has given itself obesity, diabetes, lost its work ethic, and ruined the planet pretty much all in the name of convenience.  From the foods we eat, the cars we drive, and the products we use - all of it is produced and marketed for convenience.  Anything disposable, quick food, pre-packaged food, single servings, escalators, computers, tv, modern appliances, everything in life.

It's not the world we live in though.  We've come accustomed to and depend on all of that convenience.  Our   working schedules have gotten longer too exhausted for real food prep.  Our health has deteriorated too heavy/malnourished to be self-sufficient.  Our technology is smarter than we are.  Mainstream society is going down and we're too distracted by little glowing screens (yes I am counting down the days until I can get an iPhone...) to notice or care.

How do you create a balance between the 'amish' life and today's life?  I like to idealize the 50's. I'm sure most americans do.  Why the 50's?  Because there was progress, a middle class, only one parent needed to work (generally speaking), and lets say there was at least an attempt to hide the dark side of humanity.

There was an expectation of courtesy or at least being polite to your neighbors, (as bitter as I am about the BBQ I can't blame them, logically speaking).  This entry has veered off in a pessimistic direction.  Best to end here before I focus on the ills of mankind again.  It's depressing, I don't like it.

For now,
Ciao bella

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Since I couldn’t figure out how to separate the picture from the site (in 20 seconds or less).  Here is the link of the reality of someone’s daydream.

It’s like being in Avatar…well kind of.  It’s the thought that counts.  Either way, I think society is getting to a point where we can transform our environment to be just about anything we want.  Sure the supertrees are obviously fake but they feature vertical gardens, use solar power to light themselves at night.  This is what cities around the world could be like. is another dangerous website because there are soo many cool things, that are one WAY expensive and two not always possible to build, own, etc.  Again, it just goes to show that man’s imagination and creativity are actually capable of.  What if the world were, from here on out, built with design, planet, and functionality in mind.  Sustainable materials where possible, off grid (solar power) and environmentally minded (also serve as a water filtration system).  With all of our technology its fucking retarded that more projects like this aren’t cropping up EVERYWHERE!

Apologies for the expletives…but c’mon people!  It doesn’t take a genius to realize we are all fucking screwed.  Well maybe this generation will be okay but our kids (assuming I wind up having one or two), totally drew the short straw.  The other night I finally got around to weeding and clearing out some of the mint that’s taken over.  I filled a very large garbage bag (plastic I know…no one’s perfect) of the stuff and then proceeded to throw it away (no green bin at the apartment and no room for compost – I asked W. He said no).  Now that my guilt is written on the page… he asked me why I was doing this to which I responded now is the time to learn.

I’m fairly convinced that my underlying personality is a doomsday-ist (Well aware that’s not the term but I couldn’t think of it in 20 seconds or less).  I don’t think the world is going to end in one fail swoop. I don’t even think I will witness anything really traumatic in my lifetime. Which I know is good because I’d probably be the first to go, but I would be soo interesting and all of the little shit in life can just go away. 

Back to doomsday! Just because it’s more interesting.  I want to learn how to garden because as the population grows, real food is scarce, gas prices explode, and shit generally gets too god damned expensive to buy I want to have a backup plan.  The hiccup in my backup plan…water.  Experts of some kind, somewhere,  are predicting that the growing lands are going to start migrating North.  So instead of middle California being optimal Oregon will be produce nirvana.  No idea if that’s true or not but if there’s a chance I think I would like to stay in Portland – perhaps when W and I can move outside the city limits and get some land, ideally.  Not too far out. I want to shop!

Having land but no water could kill my plan unless we create a really efficient way to capture rain water.  The rain pattern has already begun to shift in PDX, instead of our gray 9 month drizzle we are getting legitimate rain storms interspersed with sun.  Real sun.  It was kind of weird this winter, awesome but weird.  Admittedly since I have come to Portland (Fall 2004) it seems like every year has been ‘weird’ so who knows what to really expect of the weather.  It’s just time to begin working on a backup plan.  I’m working towards it.  Training my possible black thumb to be a green thumb, getting used to cooking nightly (and someday using that bread maker W brought home one day), sewing.  Sewing is a big one for me.  I don’t know what the state of the world will be until I’m dead but it’s a good skill to pass on if I can and potentially save myself some money along the way.

***Just found out one of my coworkers was laid off today – there were four of us…now only 3***

Just goes to show how quickly life changes.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

...just because I love infographs! (perhaps another post later, or not I've got other chores to do tonight)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Yay for blogging time.

I wrote out this long winded something or other yesterday but never got to finish or post it.  Quite sad.

Oh yes, it was my goals for the evening.  I did some of them actually.  I got my bike - I have brakes now!  Yay.  Food was prepared and since consumed. Yummy.  I did actually set up my desk to the best of my abilities (I need a power strip to set up speakers and external hard drive)
And the last pair of items were to reassemble vacuum and clean up enough clutter to use it.

Those last two almost happened.  The vacuum is nearly together but a few integral pieces were not ready to be used - moisture in the tube mainly.  From there well D came over which basically means food, peggle, and then munchie food. Those ice creams didn’t stand a chance.  But after D left furniture was rearranged and slightly organized.  It’s time to do laundry again.  Both daily wear laundry and blankets.  The blankets I’ve been putting off.  Blek.  It seems like I’ve been doing 2x the laundry I was doing when we lived at the house.  

Someday soon I will be doing less laundry, the apt. will be put together, the walls will be decorated and then I will be able to move onto spending my money on actually living life.  Although, I have to admit I am spending some money on life tomorrow. Wednesdays are belly dance night!  I’m going to finally pick it up again.  And the price has not come down but has become less upfront at each interval.  Instead of 60 for 6 classes they’re asking for 40 for 4.  That works for me! I wasn’t going to be able to afford 60 (not that I can really afford 40 for that matter).  I’ll find a way.  Looks like it’s rice for dinner until July!

So yah between bellydance on Weds (and hopefully practice through the week), yoga in the mornings, and the gym a couple of times a week I will be sitting pretty soon.   Now all I have to do is figure out where I can pick up some extra energy....yay coffee!!

It looks like life is about to start actually taking off.  I do need to find a way to get some fliers made for W.  I lost all of my art programs on my computer (and as I found out...I am now apparently out of ink in my printer - phooey).

*Please note that I do like to take some liberties with the english language, especially in spelling*

As soon as I figure out how to link up my instagram account with my blog I will be posting more random pics.  I should try to take one pic a day - a challenge my sister is also doing.  Just to keep photography in the forefront.  I miss creativity so hard.  It’s like I’ve lost my best friend.  Yay for reunions!

Cheers folks...”For actually doing something about it”

Ciao bella!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Minimalism Wardrobe

Minimalism Wardrobe

Minimalism Wardrobe by squishd 

**There used to be every piece listed here: brand and price.  I took that down because for example, I will never buy a $300 pair of jeans and two these items are just a guideline.**

Goals for this weekend:

  • Clear off desk - set up computer
  • Start weeding by back door
  • Go to gym/hour long yoga
  • Get bike to shop
So I did one out of four...any idea which one? How about the one with the least amount of physical effort.  Yup! Took the bike to the shop - admittedly, that really needed to happen and weekend was preferable over mid week.

Beyond that I may not have gotten my computer set up (currently wrapped up in my comforter like a burrito lounging on my bed - it's pretty sweet), but W and I did get through just about all of the boxes in the storage unit, sorted and then kept, threw out or donated everything.  There was a legit car load we took to the dump and another car load we took to Goodwill.  So on that front we actually did really well.  There are still a few more things that need to go (I've got some clothes to give away - which I have foolishly been hanging onto) and then there's the chair and some other random things we'll probably just say 'fuck it' to.

All in all it was a fairly productive weekend.  We got a lot done and we were actually social. Crazy.  One of my college friends was in town this weekend so we hung out a bit.  I wish we weren't so broke.  It would really make going out more pleasurable.

Speaking of spending money! I am now officially an adult.  I bought expensive flip flops.  Normally, I buy the 2-5 dollar Target, Old Navy, Freddie's sandals but today I'm turning over a new leaf (not entirely by choice).  I needed new flops and I've had my eye on a pair at Freddie's, nicer than my normal cheap ones at roughly $8.  So W and I go in so we can each get a new pair of sandals...and of course the ones I want are out of my size.  Figures.  The ones I had my eye on?  A pair of Teva knock-offs, they're the strappy ones instead of just the single strap between the toes.  I've wanted a pair for a few years now.  But why buy one pair of sandals when you can get 10-15 for the same price??

Because they're awesome that why!  I bought myself a pair of Teva's and I feel like I've really moved up a notch in life. Ya know, like it's time to appreciate having quality over quantity.  I justify it in my head by telling myself that I only have one pair (true) and I really only need one pair - aiming towards my goal of a minimalist wardrobe.  Quality over quantity.

I still love my Costco tank tops and I will definitely still shop at Forever21 but hopefully not as much.  I'm 26 moving in on 27, it's time to step it up to at least H&M.  Although, someday I want to move away from shopping at stores (mostly) and make more stuff myself (and probably shop on etsy more).  Etsy seems to have more my style.  Unfortunately, as mentioned before my style on Etsy, Freakin' expensive!  $40 for  a shirt $100 for a sweatshirt.  Ridiculous!  What I want though are good basics made out of nice fabrics, like sustainable cotton or bamboo.  Ya know, the good stuff!

I can't afford a wardrobe of bought items but with practice and creativity I'm sure I could make some things.  If nothing else I want some skirts and a couple of shrugs.  Learning how to make those would be more than worth it money wise.

Well...back to the routine of the work week...and I get my bike back tomorrow!  Way excited, I'll have brakes again.

Ciao Bella!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Looky Looky!

Looky Looky!

Looky Looky! by squishd featuring tan knee high boots

I've discovered a horrible tool of mass time destruction!  (Sorry about that one, I had to)  

The above is from a wonderfully dangerous site called It's a collage site that I will be using to make outfits that I can only dream of wearing.  I unfortunately like clothes that fit skinny people.  It's a bummer.  Perhaps this will be the motivation I ultimately need to actually get something I want.  I've gotten it once before and I can do it again damn it!  Too bad I was heading into my physical prime instead of sliding away from it.

Phooey!  Time is now bitches.  I bike to work, about to go to the gym again (yay buddies for accountability), I will join belly dance again as soon as I have cash! and I'm transitioning into doing yoga everyday.  I can do this...

Confession time: I found a new yogurt that is heaven on a spoon.  Greek Honey Yogurt or Honey Greek get the point.  It is so ridiculously good, I kind of don't even want it in the fridge.  It is dangerous.

**awkward cut-off ending**

Ciao Bellas!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

More randomness...yay!

It's lunchtime and while I don't have anything in particular to say it felt like a good time to say something.  According to the weather it's supposed to rain off an on until Saturday.  Looks like an indoor week to me!  W was pretty excited about it last night/this morning because that means he can just hang out at home and not feel like he should be going out and doing something.  I don't have this problem he speaks of; I'm a born and raised home-body who has little to no money until next month (until I get paid back anyways).

So to report my progress from yesterday.

  • Gym - nope.
  • Yoga this morning - nope
  • Watching less tv - yes and no
  • Go to bed early - nope!
0 for 4...On the other hand we were social last night.  50 cent wings and good beer, yes please!  So basically I drank too much and ate too much, passed out on the couch, and couldn't wake up in time to do the morning routine I want.  Oops.

I have however decided that I need to do my daily yoga when I get home today - hopefully I'll do it.  Tonight is laundry night (fun.) and then more arranging and sorting through stuff.  W and I are super exciting...although after the drama we used to live in boring is really nice (at least for now).

Here's a blogging topic: daily routine/(my ideal routine)

  • Wake up 7:05ish (6:30)
  • (yoga before breakfast)
  • Make breakfast 2 eggs with greens mix and some cheese (I cook my eggs with coconut oil)
  • Read emails
  • Start prepping lemon drink and lunch (done the night before)
    • Lemon Drink:
      • 1 tbsp-ish raw lemon juice* (**)
      • 1 tbsp-ish blackberry honey
      • 1 tbsp-ish chia seeds
* I juice organic lemons usually 3-5 lemons at a time, run the juice through a coffee filter and then freeze until next use
** tbsp-ish = the size of whatever regular spoon I am using.
    • Lunch (currently):
      • 1.5 cups (I think) Nancy's Honey Yogurt - love this tuff!
      • 1 cup frozen berry's - right now I'm using a blend from whole foods
      • 1 tbsp-ish Blackberry honey - again, in love
      • 1 tbsp-ish chia seeds
  • Shower by 7:30 (do the night before)
  • Get dressed and eventually ride bike to work (a whopping 2.5 miles downhill)
  • Work til roughly 5-5:30.  Snacking on cookies through most of the day - it can get kind of boring sometimes and Joe Joe's are just SO hard to say no to.
  • Ride home
  • Make Dinner 
  • Watch TV
  • Sleep (usually dragging my butt to bed around 11-11:30)
Mornings are fairly productive.  Between prep work, doing dishes (a lot of times I let dishes soak overnight - they're a lot easier to clean that way), and making sure W is up.  Sometimes he lags so I watch the clock for him (despite his protests).  Evenings on the other hand....make food veg in front of tv/comp. Clean up kitchen, sometimes. Go to bed.  I should start prepping at night.  Mornings would be so much easier that way.  And when I wake up late (like today) it's no biggie.

I think my main hurdle between my current and ideal morning is going to be during yoga before breakfast.  I break fast as soon as I wake up (normally).  The above statement is based on me doing everything else the night before.  That way I can ultimately get my 1/2 hr of yoga in every morning.  Lord knows I will not be waking up any earlier than my goal of 6:30.  Not that I have been up anywhere near 6:30 in the last 6 months, but that's when my alarm goes off (until it goes off again at 35, 40, and 45).

So that's my routine.  It's pretty basic, could use some sprucing up and quite frankly is boring as hell but it helps keep me from going out and spending too much money. I need to build up my savings account again - since I spent ALL of it moving into the apartment.

Back to work.  Lunch break is now over.

Ciao Bella!

Monday, June 4, 2012

I find it amazing how much I tell myself I am going to do.  I'm going to do this...then that...and eventually I'll do all these others things I've told myself I'll do.

Here's another one.  I want to give up/cut WAY back on my tv/computer time.  Obviously, I can't get rid of my working computer time but when I'm at home there have to be better ways of spending my time instead of plopped on the couch randomly checking Facebook.  Yup,  I am a compulsive Facebook checker, it's only very rarely that I ever post anything myself (I'm that guy).

I will say very proudly that I did at least get up and do my 10 min of yoga this morning.  I promised myself 10 mins.  I did and will eventually be moving from 10 to 20 and someday up to 30 min each morning.  I miss morning workouts - as much as I hated being forced to have them in college.  Thanks coach!

Once I get my area of the nook set up - computer, speakers, chair, etc.  Then I can really start my new nightly ritual.  Which should be WAY less mindless glowing screen time and way more doing... well anything.

Currently on my to do list:

  • Wings with K and the guys
  • Cleaning/getting apartment set up
  • Get the 40 pictures off camera and onto computer - photog fail.  Only 40 pics over 4 days spent on a gorgeous ranch in eastern Oregon.
  • Weeding just outside our window - the mint is getting ridiculous!
  • Find myself again.  
So that last one is an over arching one but I found myself just being number two to W again.  It's not his fault, he doesn't do it on purpose.  It's more just that he gets excited and well he really does  just need more space than I do.  For one thing all of his furniture is bigger than mine.  Ya know come to think of it I just gave away almost all of my furniture so I shouldn't feel so guilty about asking him to give up some of his.  I do feel guilty though.  It doesn't help that we have very different tastes, we can come to some cool compromises or develop sweet ideas together...but, let us both loose in a store and we'll both pick out so many things that the other hates.  I am looking forward to setting up my own area.  It can be just how I like it.  My colors, my aesthetic.  Yay!

So much to donate to Goodwill.  Between a 2 tables, possibly a recliner, a pompozon (sp?), random goods, posters, perhaps some clothes....Even beyond that we'll be getting rid of a lot of stuff as well.  At this point it's all pretty much W's so I can't really go through it on my own.

This feeling of losing myself is one I just can't seem to shake.  I love W and I know he loves me, he's just a bigger personality than I am and while I am naturally drawn to the supportive role I sometimes feel run over by the weight of his dreams.  He has a lot of them and plenty of them really don't go anywhere, which can be frustrating.  Problem is my dreams don't ever really make it out of the planning stages because of me.

It's like I'm forced to focus on the reality of dreams.  I happen to be surrounded by dreamers...both at work and at home.  Which has ultimately turned me into a pessimist, I'm not sure when and I'm not sure how, but apparently this is the end result.  Or perhaps my lack of dreaming is due to already living one and then being so rudely awoken by reality.

Ever get the feeling you are not who or where you are supposed to be?  Maybe Portland isn't me, maybe I'm not supposed to have a desk job....I don't know anymore.   I just wish I would actually get around to letting myself be happy.  Maybe someday I'll stop punishing myself and just let myself be free and happy.

Was that rambling session random enough?  Who knows, maybe one of these days I'll actually get around to picking a topic for a post.  Weird.

Ciao Bella!