Sunday, June 10, 2012

Goals for this weekend:

  • Clear off desk - set up computer
  • Start weeding by back door
  • Go to gym/hour long yoga
  • Get bike to shop
So I did one out of four...any idea which one? How about the one with the least amount of physical effort.  Yup! Took the bike to the shop - admittedly, that really needed to happen and weekend was preferable over mid week.

Beyond that I may not have gotten my computer set up (currently wrapped up in my comforter like a burrito lounging on my bed - it's pretty sweet), but W and I did get through just about all of the boxes in the storage unit, sorted and then kept, threw out or donated everything.  There was a legit car load we took to the dump and another car load we took to Goodwill.  So on that front we actually did really well.  There are still a few more things that need to go (I've got some clothes to give away - which I have foolishly been hanging onto) and then there's the chair and some other random things we'll probably just say 'fuck it' to.

All in all it was a fairly productive weekend.  We got a lot done and we were actually social. Crazy.  One of my college friends was in town this weekend so we hung out a bit.  I wish we weren't so broke.  It would really make going out more pleasurable.

Speaking of spending money! I am now officially an adult.  I bought expensive flip flops.  Normally, I buy the 2-5 dollar Target, Old Navy, Freddie's sandals but today I'm turning over a new leaf (not entirely by choice).  I needed new flops and I've had my eye on a pair at Freddie's, nicer than my normal cheap ones at roughly $8.  So W and I go in so we can each get a new pair of sandals...and of course the ones I want are out of my size.  Figures.  The ones I had my eye on?  A pair of Teva knock-offs, they're the strappy ones instead of just the single strap between the toes.  I've wanted a pair for a few years now.  But why buy one pair of sandals when you can get 10-15 for the same price??

Because they're awesome that why!  I bought myself a pair of Teva's and I feel like I've really moved up a notch in life. Ya know, like it's time to appreciate having quality over quantity.  I justify it in my head by telling myself that I only have one pair (true) and I really only need one pair - aiming towards my goal of a minimalist wardrobe.  Quality over quantity.

I still love my Costco tank tops and I will definitely still shop at Forever21 but hopefully not as much.  I'm 26 moving in on 27, it's time to step it up to at least H&M.  Although, someday I want to move away from shopping at stores (mostly) and make more stuff myself (and probably shop on etsy more).  Etsy seems to have more my style.  Unfortunately, as mentioned before my style on Etsy, Freakin' expensive!  $40 for  a shirt $100 for a sweatshirt.  Ridiculous!  What I want though are good basics made out of nice fabrics, like sustainable cotton or bamboo.  Ya know, the good stuff!

I can't afford a wardrobe of bought items but with practice and creativity I'm sure I could make some things.  If nothing else I want some skirts and a couple of shrugs.  Learning how to make those would be more than worth it money wise.

Well...back to the routine of the work week...and I get my bike back tomorrow!  Way excited, I'll have brakes again.

Ciao Bella!

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