Thursday, June 14, 2012

Since I couldn’t figure out how to separate the picture from the site (in 20 seconds or less).  Here is the link of the reality of someone’s daydream.

It’s like being in Avatar…well kind of.  It’s the thought that counts.  Either way, I think society is getting to a point where we can transform our environment to be just about anything we want.  Sure the supertrees are obviously fake but they feature vertical gardens, use solar power to light themselves at night.  This is what cities around the world could be like. is another dangerous website because there are soo many cool things, that are one WAY expensive and two not always possible to build, own, etc.  Again, it just goes to show that man’s imagination and creativity are actually capable of.  What if the world were, from here on out, built with design, planet, and functionality in mind.  Sustainable materials where possible, off grid (solar power) and environmentally minded (also serve as a water filtration system).  With all of our technology its fucking retarded that more projects like this aren’t cropping up EVERYWHERE!

Apologies for the expletives…but c’mon people!  It doesn’t take a genius to realize we are all fucking screwed.  Well maybe this generation will be okay but our kids (assuming I wind up having one or two), totally drew the short straw.  The other night I finally got around to weeding and clearing out some of the mint that’s taken over.  I filled a very large garbage bag (plastic I know…no one’s perfect) of the stuff and then proceeded to throw it away (no green bin at the apartment and no room for compost – I asked W. He said no).  Now that my guilt is written on the page… he asked me why I was doing this to which I responded now is the time to learn.

I’m fairly convinced that my underlying personality is a doomsday-ist (Well aware that’s not the term but I couldn’t think of it in 20 seconds or less).  I don’t think the world is going to end in one fail swoop. I don’t even think I will witness anything really traumatic in my lifetime. Which I know is good because I’d probably be the first to go, but I would be soo interesting and all of the little shit in life can just go away. 

Back to doomsday! Just because it’s more interesting.  I want to learn how to garden because as the population grows, real food is scarce, gas prices explode, and shit generally gets too god damned expensive to buy I want to have a backup plan.  The hiccup in my backup plan…water.  Experts of some kind, somewhere,  are predicting that the growing lands are going to start migrating North.  So instead of middle California being optimal Oregon will be produce nirvana.  No idea if that’s true or not but if there’s a chance I think I would like to stay in Portland – perhaps when W and I can move outside the city limits and get some land, ideally.  Not too far out. I want to shop!

Having land but no water could kill my plan unless we create a really efficient way to capture rain water.  The rain pattern has already begun to shift in PDX, instead of our gray 9 month drizzle we are getting legitimate rain storms interspersed with sun.  Real sun.  It was kind of weird this winter, awesome but weird.  Admittedly since I have come to Portland (Fall 2004) it seems like every year has been ‘weird’ so who knows what to really expect of the weather.  It’s just time to begin working on a backup plan.  I’m working towards it.  Training my possible black thumb to be a green thumb, getting used to cooking nightly (and someday using that bread maker W brought home one day), sewing.  Sewing is a big one for me.  I don’t know what the state of the world will be until I’m dead but it’s a good skill to pass on if I can and potentially save myself some money along the way.

***Just found out one of my coworkers was laid off today – there were four of us…now only 3***

Just goes to show how quickly life changes.

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