Monday, June 18, 2012

Ya for blogging! and for Black Raspberries. They are in fact delicious.

Is it bad form to take you lunch break an hour before you are scheduled to leave?  Personally if I could always make it until 3:30-4 pm before being starving I would probably do it everyday.  I'm one of those people who would rather take a late lunch (when you get back you're that much closer to the end of the day).  This is a fairly extreme example but still stands true....

...My yogurt "parfait" or concoction if you will is more like a cold fruity soup than it normally is.  It kind of weirds me out actually.

Oh yah!  This weekend I had such an 'that figures...' moment it was sad.  Since W and I moved in to our apartment there has been rampant mint growing outside the door.  I finally got around to pulling the damn stuff up but I'm too poor to buy pots to claim the space for my garden.  (I hope you see where this is going.) Yup!  I woke up Saturday morning to a giant BBQ in all of the space I had just cleaned out.  I hate people sometimes.  I think it belongs to the person who just moved in with (I'm assuming) the crazy lady neighbor we don't like.  All assumptions here.  Bad, I know.  But still I do the work, didn't even think I needed to claim space and I apparently lost it.

Oh well.  I'll work around it but if they don't pull it out when they use it (literally next to our window) then I will tell on them.  So bummed, mad, and some other description.  Totally ruined my morning.  My garden space is now taken over by a fat-assed BBQ.  I hope it rusts now that it's living outside.

Sorry, I'm still just bitter.I suppose that's how life goes though.  Claim that shit!

On another note. Disc golf. Fun but I doubt I will be as into it as W.  He's been trying to get me to go out and throw for months now.  I've never really had anything against it, I just like to have girl time/alone time.  I miss alone time.  W and I leave the house at the same time and we get home around the same time.  When we get home I start cooking - a preference I should ease up on (since then I do most of the cooking and I've always washed just about all of the dishes).  I'm just trying to avoid processed foods as much as possible.  All of his food/what he prepares is all boxed, canned, frozen or microwavable.  Admittedly, we don't have a microwave.  No where to put it - works for me!  Sometimes it would be nice though.

Less convenience!  Life should be harder.  Not a lot harder but mankind has given itself obesity, diabetes, lost its work ethic, and ruined the planet pretty much all in the name of convenience.  From the foods we eat, the cars we drive, and the products we use - all of it is produced and marketed for convenience.  Anything disposable, quick food, pre-packaged food, single servings, escalators, computers, tv, modern appliances, everything in life.

It's not the world we live in though.  We've come accustomed to and depend on all of that convenience.  Our   working schedules have gotten longer too exhausted for real food prep.  Our health has deteriorated too heavy/malnourished to be self-sufficient.  Our technology is smarter than we are.  Mainstream society is going down and we're too distracted by little glowing screens (yes I am counting down the days until I can get an iPhone...) to notice or care.

How do you create a balance between the 'amish' life and today's life?  I like to idealize the 50's. I'm sure most americans do.  Why the 50's?  Because there was progress, a middle class, only one parent needed to work (generally speaking), and lets say there was at least an attempt to hide the dark side of humanity.

There was an expectation of courtesy or at least being polite to your neighbors, (as bitter as I am about the BBQ I can't blame them, logically speaking).  This entry has veered off in a pessimistic direction.  Best to end here before I focus on the ills of mankind again.  It's depressing, I don't like it.

For now,
Ciao bella

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