Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Yay for blogging time.

I wrote out this long winded something or other yesterday but never got to finish or post it.  Quite sad.

Oh yes, it was my goals for the evening.  I did some of them actually.  I got my bike - I have brakes now!  Yay.  Food was prepared and since consumed. Yummy.  I did actually set up my desk to the best of my abilities (I need a power strip to set up speakers and external hard drive)
And the last pair of items were to reassemble vacuum and clean up enough clutter to use it.

Those last two almost happened.  The vacuum is nearly together but a few integral pieces were not ready to be used - moisture in the tube mainly.  From there well D came over which basically means food, peggle, and then munchie food. Those ice creams didn’t stand a chance.  But after D left furniture was rearranged and slightly organized.  It’s time to do laundry again.  Both daily wear laundry and blankets.  The blankets I’ve been putting off.  Blek.  It seems like I’ve been doing 2x the laundry I was doing when we lived at the house.  

Someday soon I will be doing less laundry, the apt. will be put together, the walls will be decorated and then I will be able to move onto spending my money on actually living life.  Although, I have to admit I am spending some money on life tomorrow. Wednesdays are belly dance night!  I’m going to finally pick it up again.  And the price has not come down but has become less upfront at each interval.  Instead of 60 for 6 classes they’re asking for 40 for 4.  That works for me! I wasn’t going to be able to afford 60 (not that I can really afford 40 for that matter).  I’ll find a way.  Looks like it’s rice for dinner until July!

So yah between bellydance on Weds (and hopefully practice through the week), yoga in the mornings, and the gym a couple of times a week I will be sitting pretty soon.   Now all I have to do is figure out where I can pick up some extra energy....yay coffee!!

It looks like life is about to start actually taking off.  I do need to find a way to get some fliers made for W.  I lost all of my art programs on my computer (and as I found out...I am now apparently out of ink in my printer - phooey).

*Please note that I do like to take some liberties with the english language, especially in spelling*

As soon as I figure out how to link up my instagram account with my blog I will be posting more random pics.  I should try to take one pic a day - a challenge my sister is also doing.  Just to keep photography in the forefront.  I miss creativity so hard.  It’s like I’ve lost my best friend.  Yay for reunions!

Cheers folks...”For actually doing something about it”

Ciao bella!

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